Saturday, November 24, 2012


     Philadelphia Eagles fans and media are making excuse after excuse for the inept, incompetent play of Nick Foles. 


 Nick Foles greatest attribute, as far as racist Eagles fans and racist Philadelphia media is that he is not Black like Michael Vick!  Foles fumbled and bumbled his way through 6 quarters of NFL football.  Yet, racist Eagles fans and media still consider him to be better than Michael Vick.

    When Vick runs it is said, "Vick holds on to the ball too long!"  When Foles runs the media says, Foles is "extending the play."   A Michael Vick interception is condemned throughout the city.  Foles interceptions are "not his fault.

     Foles should be the quarterback because "He is the future of the Eagles and Vick is not."  Why is Foles the future and not Vick?  Doesn't the best quarterback get the job? If the Eagles cannot get a better quarterback than Vick, then why should the Fools, I mean Foles get the job?  There is absolutely nothing about Nick Foles that indicates he will be a good NFL quarterback.  Can you say, "career backup quarterback?"


1 comment:

  1. Black QB's are judged by a double standard. However, I prefer Foles. Vick, to me, epitomizes the negative stereotypes of black QBs. Neither Foles nor Vick are great. However, Foles has some potential. Racists may pick Foles simply because he's white, but Vick has done nothing to help his case - nothing at all.
