Tuesday, November 27, 2012


 WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT (WWE) has never had a Black champion!  We're not referring to the "Intercontinental" or "Tag Team Champion" "World Heavy Weight Champion" "Hard Core Champion" or any of the other minor championships.  I mean the main title WWE Champion.

To be WWE champion, one must be able to represent the company and be "larger than life" or someone who can hold the attention of the public.

There have been many Blacks who fit this description:

                                              FARUQ/ RON SIMMONS


Yes, the Rock is Black and Somaoan.  But he is "passing." it's not his fault  and of course we do not disparage him for that.  But it is well known that someone who is "passing" or very light skinned can walk through doors that are slammed shut for darker skinned people.  So while the Rock is "Black" ,  he is a "non racial" "non threatening" non representative Black.  He even played a white guy (voice ) in the animated movie "Planet 51!"

                             TONY ATLAS

Tony Atlas, along with the Rock's dad, Rocky Johnson became the first Black Tag Team champions - and held the title for all of three weeks!

                                   MARK HENRY

                                                  BOOKER T
Booker T held the "World Heavyweight Championship" - adopted when Vince McMahon bought the WCW - but has never held the WWE title

Will Vince McMahon and the WWE ever allow a Black Man to represent the company?? Better yet, will the Blacks in the WWE ever demand respect??

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