Sunday, October 20, 2013


What do Kevin Kolb, AJ Feeley, Ty Detmer, Bobby Hoying, Koy Detmer, Jeff Garcia and Nick Foles have in common?

Kevin Kolb

Koy Detmer

Jeff Garcia

Ty Detmer

Nick Foles

A.J Feeley

Bobby Hoying

They are all career backup quarterbacks that white racists hoped would replace the black quarterbacks the Eagles have had for well over a decade.  

The best quarterback should get the job whether he is white or black.  But what we have seen in Philly is that there is a segment that prefers a white quarterback over a black NO MATTER HOW HORRIBLE THE WHITE QUARTERBACK IS!

When will white racists realize that Nick Foles is a career backup quarterback? 97.5 the Fanatic radio personality Brian Startare is on oir making excuses for Foles' flop. Not only is he making excuses but he is attacking callers who call in and point out the inconsistencies in the way Mike Vick is treated and the way Foles is treated.  Startare become outright hostile whenever any caller attacked Foles.  His emotional attachment to Foles was evident.


All we want is for the media to get rid of the double standards: If receivers drop passes because "Vick threw it behind the receiver," then when Foles throws behind the receiver and the pass is dropped, put the blame on Foles, Brian Startare.  If you blame Vick when the Eagles lose, then blame Foles when the Eagles lose, Brian Startare, instead of making excuses like "Foles is young" "Foles just had a bad game."  

The truth is Foles stunk the joint up! The Eagles lost to the Dallas Cowboys today SOLEY because of Foles! Had foles hit the OPEN receivers, the Eagles win. Period.  If you would rip Vick for playing like that, then rip Foles when he stinks up the joint.  That's all we ask. No double standards, Brian Startare.